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Boat News

  • 27/10/2023

    Implementation of the ECTN/SPN in Ghana as from November 1st 2023

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP) is introducing the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note/Smart Port Note for all shipments to Ghana and appointed Antaser Afrique as its technical partner for the management of this ECTN/SPN.

    For all shipments to Ghana (transit cargo included), the shipper or his forwarder is required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser Afrique for validation.

    Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN/SPN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.

    Cargoes arriving without a valid ECTN/SPN will not be cleared through customs until a valid ECTN/SPN is presented.

    This new regulation takes effect as from November 1st 2023 (date of Bill of Lading).

    Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at www.antaserafrique.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique login to start issuing ECTN’s/SPN’s for Ghana.

    For any further information and/or tariffs, kindly check www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser Afrique at +32/3-226.54.40 or ectn@antaserafrique.com.

    Public Notice SPN/ECTN

    CTN/SPN Implementation notice

  • 17/01/2021

    Guinea-Bissau ECTN

    Guinea-Bissau - Circular issued by the Presidency of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau

    The Presidency of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, reconfirms that Antaser Afrique is the unique agent duly mandated to sign and validate Electronic Cargo Tracking Notes (ECTN’s) for the country.

    Same implies that any cargoes arriving in Bissau without an ECTN validated by Antaser will be blocked for delivery by the local Authorities.

    You might consult the official notifications (in English) as attached.


  • 10/10/2018

    Update ECTN procedure

    On October 11th 2018 at 08.00 we will be performing a system update which will change the application procedure.

    We anticipate that this update will take about one hour.

    Please find below the changes :

    • The way in which a container type and size be mentioned has been expanded :
      • From now on you will need to select as container type one of the following : Dry/GP, Open-Top/OT, Reefer/RT, High Cube HC, Tank/TO, Other.
      • As container size one of the following should be selected : 20’,40’ or 45’
    • The incoterms have also been expanded, one of the following should be selected : EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, DDP, FAS, FOB, CFR or CIF.
    • The way costs have to be mentioned on the document has been updated :
      • For all incoterms the invoice value has to be declared as well as ocean freight.
      • Depending on the incoterm and where applicable the following fields also have to be specified : FOB costs, Insurance, On-carriage and others.
    • Clients will be able to configure which system mails they wish to receive :
      • General emails (emails related to the clients account)
      • Financial emails (mails regarding the credits, invoices, credit notes)
      • Mail concerning ECTN application (validation approval, remarks)
      • Security emails (change of password, login notifications,…)

    Current ECTN applications can still be finished as before.

    During the update the Antaser website will be unavailable, we apologize for the inconvenience this might cause.

    Kind regards,

    Antaser/Antaser Afrique

  • 13/03/2017

    Central African Republic (CAR) - Circular Note

    The General Manager of the Customs department of the Central African Republic would like to inform the importers that the issuance of a regularization ECTN in the transit ports is strictly forbidden. The ECTN can only be issued in the loading port.

    We inform you that in case of absence of the ECTN obtained at the loading port, the goods will remain blocked in the discharging port until the shipment has been regularized online and fines have been payed.

    In the link below you will find the Circular Note (PDF), dated December 16, 2016.

    Download Circular Note (English)

    Download Circular Note (Portuguese)

    Download Circular Note (Spanish)

    Download Circular Note (Arabic)

  • 28/05/2016

    Guinea Bissau ECTN

    Guinea Bissau - Circular issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communication

    The Ministry of Transport and Communication of Guinea Bissau, heading

    the Shippers' Council of the country (CNC-GB), reconfirms that Antaser

    Afrique is the unique agent duly mandated

    to sign and validate ECTN’s for the country.

    Same implies that any cargoes arriving in Bissau without an ECTN validated by Antaser will be blocked for delivery by the local Authorities.

    You might consult the official notifications (in English and Portuguese) as attached.

    For any further questions, kindly contact Antaser at +32 3 827.07.00 or info@antaser.com.

    Download document (English)

    Download document (Portuguese)

  • 03/02/2016

    Online payments disabled

    Due to circumstances and with immediate effect we unfortunately are obliged to temporary no longer accept credit card payments.
    All payments should be done by bank transfer for now. For more information
    , please consult the page "How to increase my credits" in the "Credits" section of the website.

  • 30/06/2014

    Tariff Central African Republic

    Tariff change

    Starting the first of July 2014 the tariff of some modes of shipment will be increased. Please see tariffs online.

  • 27/02/2012

    Electronic Cargo Tracking Note on line!

    Antaser launches the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note

    Antaser Bvba is pleased to inform that the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note is operational for shipments to the Central-African Republic, Guinea (Conakry), Guinea-Bissau and Niger.

    Shippers can now register and create/credit their electronic account as per procedures described on this website or as per manual which can be requested for at info@antaser.com.

  • 24/10/2011

    Guinea-Bissau - Application of the Cargo Tracking Note

    Guinea-Bissau introduces the Cargo Tracking Note as from Oct. 28th 2011

    Further to the Decision of the State Secretary of Transports and Communication of Guinea-Bissau, dated Aug. 8th 2011, a Cargo Tracking Note (C.T.N.) is mandatory for all shipments from and to Guinea-Bissau as from Oct. 28th 2011.

    All shipments to/from the country should be covered by a C.T.N., issued at the port of loading and validated by the local representative of the 'Conselho Nacional de Carregadores da Guiné-Bissau' (CNC-GB) or 'Shippers' Council of Guinea-Bissau'.

    Antaser Afrique has been appointed as the CNC-GB worldwide representative, duly authorized to monitor the C.T.N. system for Guinea-Bissau.

    For any further information, shippers are requested to contact Antaser Afrique at ctnbissau@antaser.com or +32/3-827.07.00.